Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Family Ministry School graduated this past week.

The Family Ministry School that is run our out base graduated this week after their three months lecture phase and two months practical outreach phase. Watch a power point presentation of the school by clicking on the video above. The presentation was made by one of the school staff members.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bore Hole Project in Zimbabwe

This past week we got great news as it was reported back to us that the bore hole project, that we as the YWAM Worcester leadership team have been facilitating, is completed. The idea was started by the Children in need DTS that went to Zimbabwe at the end of last year and beginning 2011. They were not able to complete the project and it was handed down to the leadership team to bring to completion. We were able to make contact with a Korean missionary working in Zimbabwe ( a friend of Yongwoo, who is part of our leadership team). He was able to do all the practical arrangements for us on that side and we are now so thankful to be able to report that the project has been completed.

I include a short extract of the letter to those that contributed and helped with the project written by Bruno Guntelach , base director of YWAM Worcester.

"It is my great pleasure to inform you that the bore hole in Murehwa Zimbabwe has been completed.
They found good water 25m under ground and continued boring until 40m to secure the future water supply.

Find attached a picture of the completed well.

It was a very successful project which drew the people of the village together. For the Korean missionary, Shin Byeng-Soo (left on the picture), it was a brilliant opportunity of building more relationships as part of his church planting project.

A big thank you to all the donors. Your generosity enables a whole village to have access to safe water, all year around."

Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday morning

As I walked into the Glory Hall this morning I could feel the buzz and as I looked around I noticed the reason for the excitement and this is that our Classic DTS outreach teams are all back from the two months outreaches in India, Mozambique and South Africa. It was great to see them again after two months and hear some of their testimonies of Gods goodness during the outreach time. The India team was specially grateful for Gods protection as there were a few instances where they had some close encounters, but God protected them every time. The students will be graduating on Thursday night and another DTS chapter will come to an end as a new one starts in each one of their lives.

The worship time was great as God spoke to us about our first love and surrendering to him. As the multi nation (Brazil, Finland, South Africa, Madagascar and Zambia) worship team lead us into his presence we could sense His presence and different ones from the staff and students came with words that confirmed each other. What a privilege it is to be able to hear Gods voice and to be able to allow him to speak to us and for us to be able to respond to his voice. 

As the one team arrives back I was helping another group, our Bible Core Course team prepare to go on their outreach to Mozambique. They plan to go into the rural areas of Mozambique to teach the pastors there the inductive Bible study method that they have been applying and using the last three months. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Please pray with us for Mariska's Mother.

This week has been one of quick decisions with the result of having to buy an on-line air plane ticket and Mariska leaving for Johannesburg the next day. The reason for this is that Mariska's Mother has undergone a major neck operation that took eight hours of surgery. Mariska new that she wanted to go and support her Mom but we were not sure of the timing. After waking up from the operation her Mother asked for her and we felt that she needed to go and be with her. The last few months her Mom's health has been deteriorating and she basicly lost all control of her mussels in her body to the point that she was bed ridden. So far it seems that the operation was an success and she has started to recover some of the movement in her hands. Please continue to pray with us for full recovery for her Mother and also for Mariska as she supports her during this time.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mothers Day

Regional leadership gathering for YWAM Southern Africa

This past weekend I had the privilege to attend the annual regional leadership gathering for YWAM Southern Africa in Bethlehem in the Free State. It was great to see everyone again and to hear their stories. Many of the attendees have been on our base at some time or another and seeing them again is always a great experience.  There were 20 different ministries/bases represented at the meeting. The time was well spent as we listened to God's voice and tried to follow His leading throughout the weekend meetings. The highlight of the weekend was giving each ministry an opportunity to share where they are at and what are their needs. The rest of the leaders there then had the opportunity to minister and pray for them. It was exciting to see so many new and young leaders attending and to hear about their pioneering journies that they are on. Apart from South Africa there were also representatives from Mozambique, Swaziland, Botswana and Lesotho. Thank you to the Bethlehem team for their great hospitality and hosting us in such a fantastic way.