Saturday, May 14, 2011

Please pray with us for Mariska's Mother.

This week has been one of quick decisions with the result of having to buy an on-line air plane ticket and Mariska leaving for Johannesburg the next day. The reason for this is that Mariska's Mother has undergone a major neck operation that took eight hours of surgery. Mariska new that she wanted to go and support her Mom but we were not sure of the timing. After waking up from the operation her Mother asked for her and we felt that she needed to go and be with her. The last few months her Mom's health has been deteriorating and she basicly lost all control of her mussels in her body to the point that she was bed ridden. So far it seems that the operation was an success and she has started to recover some of the movement in her hands. Please continue to pray with us for full recovery for her Mother and also for Mariska as she supports her during this time.