Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Troubadour DTS arrive back from outreach and graduate.

On the 22nd of AUgust was the Troubadour DTS  graduation. The different teams arrived back on the base and as always the reunion of all the students and the catching up of all the stories was filled with much joy and excitement. The TDTS divided into four outreach groups after the lecture phase. Two of the teams went outside of South Africa , one to Angola and the other to India. The other two teams stayed in South Afirca, one of them working in and around Worcester and the other travelling to Jeffrey's bay and Whiteriver situated just north of Nelspruit in the Mpumalanga province. For some of them it is not the end of their journey with YWAM Worcester, as they will be returning to continue with the XBCC that will be running in September this year. Our prayer is that all the students will continue to build on the foundations that was laid during the TDTS, and we look forward to hearing the stories of how God has used them to make an impact where ever He will send them.