Friday, September 19, 2014

A YWAM Worcester promotional video

I would like to share this latest video about YWAM Worcester with you. It gives a very nice summery of our work here at the base, including schools and ministries etc. It was specially done for the opening of the new Lifestyle Christian Academy building on Saturday 6 September 2014.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Greetings from Worcester.

With the year fast approaching the halfway point, it is with a grateful heart that we look back on the first half of the year. There are so many stories to be told, miracles that Father God has done in students' lives, and changes that God is bringing on the base. One of the first things that comes to mind is the great financial miracles that the Troubadour DTS saw as God provided for them for their outreach to Brazil. We are currently hearing beautiful testimonies of drug lords that are experiencing the love of God and young people in gangs that are being touched by the testimonies of the students. This is what one of the staff members commented on her social network “Today was an unforgettable day for me. So many emotions, so many revelations, so many realizations..... I'm blown away by God's love for me!” Praise God for what he is doing.

The end of the term is also exam time for the children. What made it a bit different this term for Chané is that she had to write her exam with her left hand due to the fact that she cracked her wrist during hockey practice. Her arm was in plaster and it only came off this week. Something that she is very grateful for.

Rozelle is also busy with her exam, but had the opportunity yesterday during one of her off days to work on a school project “Job Shadowing”. This meant that she spent the day at the christian school on the base following one of the teachers around to get a good idea of exactly what she does. She enjoyed the whole experience tremendously and actually just wants to go back to do it again.

On the topic of the christian school – we are looking forward to the completion of the school building currently being built on the base. The builders are currently in the last phases of the building process and if everything goes well we are planning to have the official opening of the new Lifestyle Christian Academy school building in August.

The BCC Bible school ends this week and that will be the lasts school for this term. The weekend of 6 July will be the start of the next term and we are looking forward to meeting all the new students as they arrive on the base. The schools that will be running next term is: The Family Ministry School, The Primary Health Care school, the Awakening Discipleship Training School and the English Language School. Please pray with us for each one of these students as we continue to disciple the nations. (Matt 28:19)

We would love to hear from you.

Arno and Mariska