Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Praying for Worcester

Staff and students from YWAM Worcester were prompted to pray for Worcester in the midst of potential strikes and unrest's promised to take place in our valley. The intercession leaders on the base clearly felt that we should go down to the center of town and pray for our town and the surrounding farms. With expectation in our hearts we went and we had a great time of prayer and intercession during our Wednesday morning base intercession time slot. We proclaimed Gods desires and truths over the Breede valley. I know we serve a God who answers prayer and we trust that his purposes for Worcester and the surrounding areas will be establishment. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

September Holiday Camp

Put ten girls , a YWAM mom (Mariska) and one big sister together and what do you get? A fun time! That is exactly what the girls had as they came together each day during the holiday for different activities and inspiring stories and lessons.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

News Bites

Song of Songs 2:11-13
11 See! The winter is past; the rains are over
and gone.12 Flowers appear on the earth;the
season of singing has come,the cooing of
doves is heard in our land.13 The fig tree
forms its early fruit;the blossoming vines
spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my
darling; my beautiful one, come with me.” As
we enter into spring and summer our prayer for
you is that you will hear our Father's voice that
is calling you to a more intimate relationship
with Him. 

The third term came quickly to an
end. To tell the truth: our Crossroads
DTS team is still on the base, busy
preparing for their outreach to
Swaziland , while our new students
have arrived for the term. Mariska
and I were at the welcoming
ceremony of the Compassion DTS
that will be running this term, and it
is encouraging to see so many
different countries represented on one

Other schools that will be running
this term, is our Bible School
(XBCC). We are especially thankful
for the 22 students that will be attending this school, and – like always – they already started
with the first Bible book after they had spent the weekend with orientation and team building.
The “Introduction to Primary Healthcare” (IPHC) and the English Language School are the two
other schools that will be running this term.

Both Rozelle and Chanè also had a busy term,
as both of them played their UNISA music
Exam. Rozelle played Grade 5 piano, while
Chanè did her Grade 1. Chanè also went on her
first SOS camp near Villiersdorp, where they
spent three days in nature and did all kinds of
exciting activities, like canoeing and rock
climbing. She really enjoyed the camp. Rozelle
celebrated her 15th birthday in August, and we
also had the responsibility of deciding next
year's subjects in Grade 10. Can you believe

Mariska is planning a “mini” holiday camp for
the 10-12 year old girls (there's a whole bunch
of them) on the base. Please pray for her and
that it will be a fruitful and life changing time
for the girls.

We are thankful towards our heavenly Father
for His faithful care and we also regularly thank
Him for everyone that stands with us and
support us to fulfil our mission. May you, as we
mentioned earlier, hear His call in your life in
the coming months, but MORE than that: we
pray that you will experience His presence in
your life as you respond to his call.

Friday, June 15, 2012

News Bites

Some events and happenings around our life during the second quarter of  2012

Outing on our 20th wedding anniversary in April

Combined prayer time for the world on the world map

YWAM Worcester busy with an outreach as part of the “Global Day of Outreach”. We did a clean-up of the area by picking up papers, had individual prayer for those that wanted prayer and did open air evangelism through dance, singing, drama and sharing the gospel. There was a nice testimony of a girl that saw the YWAMers picking up papers and also saw one of her former friends whose life has been completely changed. It touched her so much that she decided to also turn back to Jesus and give her life to Him. (Rozelle is also dancing together with the current DTS: back left-hand corner)


This terms Troubadour Discipleship training school students. They are on their way to England for their outreach. Part of their outreach will be at the Olympic Games where they will be reaching out to the nations attending the Games.

 Creative Arts Seminar students busy with their practical after their three weeks course here on the YWAM base. Rozelle also attended the seminar.

YWAM leaders from Southern Africa attending our regional leadership conference that is held every second year.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Great Healing Testimony

I would like to share this story of a miracle that happened on the base during this term. Actually it is the testimony of one of our Family Ministry School students that he told during a corporate meeting here on the base. I thought that this is such and amazing testimony of Gods healing power when I heard it.
From the beginning of the term he has had tremendous back pain. On this particular morning during worship time he told his wife that he was going to go outside and walk around a bit because his back is to painful. He walked up to the cross that is planted on our lawn and stood against it with his back. He did this as a way to support his back but as he stood there he felt God speak to him and say that he should stay standing there until the sun breaks through the clouds. When that happens he will be healed. He obeyed and about an hour and a half later the sun did break through the clouds. When he walked away from the cross he could feel the pain stay behind. From that moment of he has been healed.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Ons nuutste doen en late hier by YWAM

Sewe-en- twintig nasionaliteite, vyf-en-tagtig studente en honderd-en-twintig personeel. Dit is wie almal die begin van die termyn bymekaarkom by ons eerste gesamentlike byeenkoms, en in ons harte is 'n verwagting dat baie mense se lewens deur die liefde van Jesus verander gaan word in hierdie jaar wat voorlê. Ek kan werklik sê dat dit dan ook juis die geval is: nou dat ons al 'n paar maande gevorder het met hierdie jaar, is dit vir my so bemoedigend om te sien hoe oop die studente is om te leer en alles te ontvang wat Jesus vir hulle het vir hierdie seisoen van hulle lewens. Ek kan getuig dat ons sien hoedat die krag van die Heilige Gees in mense werk en hulle kom genees en bedien met Vader God se liefde en hoedat mense se lewens weekliks verander word soos wat die Heilige Gees openbaring bring.

Nog 'n hoogtepunt van hierdie termyn is die “Marriage Week” wat deur ons Familie bediening gereël is. Dit is 'n internasionale byeenkoms wat reeds in 25 ander lande gehou word , maar wat hierdie jaar vir die eerste keer in Suid- Afrika aangebied is. Die byeenkoms is ge-open deur Worcester se Burgermeester en sy vrou hier in ons saal op die YWAM Basis. Ons het ook die geleentheid gehad om vir hulle te bid.

Behalwe die skole wat hierdie termyn aangebied word, het ons ook 'n drie weke lange “Troubadoer Arts Seminar” aangebied met studente wat van so ver as Namibië gekom het om hulself daardeur te kom toerus. Rozelle het ook die drie weke kurses bygewoon en dit baie geniet. Die hoogtepunt van die seminaar was die laaste Saterdag toe al die studente saam op 'n uitreik Somersetstrand toe gegaan het en op die strand die danse en dramas gedoen het en so die evangelie verkondig het.

Ons Dissipelskap uitreikspanne wat teruggekom het van onder adere Brazil en Malawi getuig hoedat hulle die krag van die Here sien werk het. By 'n geleentheid in Malawi het hulle die Jesus film gewys en toe dit kom by die deel van die kruisiging het hulle die film gestop en mense genooi wat wil vorentoe kom vir gebed. Een van die gevalle was 'n man wat blind was wat vorentoe gekom het en toe hulle vir hom bid het sy oë oopgegaan en kon hy weer sien. Prys Jesus vir die krag van Sy naam!

Die kinders is ook nou al weer goed aan die gang met al hulle skool aktiwiteite. Altwee geniet hulle dansklasse en ons is veral dankbaar dat ons vir Chané kon laat inskakel by “Vibrant”- 'n christen dansskool in die dorp.

Ons is dankbaar vir jou gebed en ondersteuning. Ons is opgewonde oor wat Vader doen hier by YWAM Worcester en ons prys die Here vir jou aandeel in ons lewens wat die werk hier help moontlik maak.

Baie liefdegroete Arno , Mariska en kinders. 

a. Arno word verras met 'n sjokeladekoek tydens 'n werksvergadering op sy   verjaarsdag
b. Gebed vir die Burgermeester met die opening van die Huweliksweek
c. "Compassion DTS" studente word uitgestuur na hulle skool.
d. Die drie vrouens in my lewe by 'n uitstappie in Kirstenbosch
e. Mansstudente direk na hulle terugkeer van hul uitreik in Brazil.
f. Pretfoto op die uitstalbord van die huidige DTS Studente.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Marriage week

One of the highlights of the past two weeks was the opening of the marriage week here on the YWAM Worcester base by the Mayor of Worcester , Basil Kivedo. Although Marriage week is celebrated in 25 countries around the world, this was the firs time it has been celebrated in South Africa and specifically , Worcester. The event was organized by YWAM Worcester's Family Ministry Department. The plan is to continue to build on this years event and that it will be celebrated every year, not only in Worcester but also in other parts of South Africa. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Great expectations

Twenty seven nationalities, eighty five students and hundred and twenty staff. This is how we start this year at YWAM Worcester. As we fill up the Glory Hall at our first meeting of the year,  we have an expectation of great things that we believe God wants to do in the lives of every one involved with YWAM Worcester. The schools that we have running currently is the Discipleship Training school, Family Ministry School and English Language school. Then there is also a three week Troubadour  performing Arts Seminar that has been running with students coming from as far as Namibia to come and join in this time of equipping. Rozelle my oldest daughter has also been doing the seminar that has been running mainly in the evenings and over weekends and she has been enjoying it tremendously. Join with us in prayer for each one of the students that are with us us this term. Pray that their lives will be impacted and changed forever as the grow in the knowledge of who God is and his love for them.