Tuesday, October 2, 2012

News Bites

Song of Songs 2:11-13
11 See! The winter is past; the rains are over
and gone.12 Flowers appear on the earth;the
season of singing has come,the cooing of
doves is heard in our land.13 The fig tree
forms its early fruit;the blossoming vines
spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my
darling; my beautiful one, come with me.” As
we enter into spring and summer our prayer for
you is that you will hear our Father's voice that
is calling you to a more intimate relationship
with Him. 

The third term came quickly to an
end. To tell the truth: our Crossroads
DTS team is still on the base, busy
preparing for their outreach to
Swaziland , while our new students
have arrived for the term. Mariska
and I were at the welcoming
ceremony of the Compassion DTS
that will be running this term, and it
is encouraging to see so many
different countries represented on one

Other schools that will be running
this term, is our Bible School
(XBCC). We are especially thankful
for the 22 students that will be attending this school, and – like always – they already started
with the first Bible book after they had spent the weekend with orientation and team building.
The “Introduction to Primary Healthcare” (IPHC) and the English Language School are the two
other schools that will be running this term.

Both Rozelle and Chanè also had a busy term,
as both of them played their UNISA music
Exam. Rozelle played Grade 5 piano, while
Chanè did her Grade 1. Chanè also went on her
first SOS camp near Villiersdorp, where they
spent three days in nature and did all kinds of
exciting activities, like canoeing and rock
climbing. She really enjoyed the camp. Rozelle
celebrated her 15th birthday in August, and we
also had the responsibility of deciding next
year's subjects in Grade 10. Can you believe

Mariska is planning a “mini” holiday camp for
the 10-12 year old girls (there's a whole bunch
of them) on the base. Please pray for her and
that it will be a fruitful and life changing time
for the girls.

We are thankful towards our heavenly Father
for His faithful care and we also regularly thank
Him for everyone that stands with us and
support us to fulfil our mission. May you, as we
mentioned earlier, hear His call in your life in
the coming months, but MORE than that: we
pray that you will experience His presence in
your life as you respond to his call.