Friday, June 15, 2012

News Bites

Some events and happenings around our life during the second quarter of  2012

Outing on our 20th wedding anniversary in April

Combined prayer time for the world on the world map

YWAM Worcester busy with an outreach as part of the “Global Day of Outreach”. We did a clean-up of the area by picking up papers, had individual prayer for those that wanted prayer and did open air evangelism through dance, singing, drama and sharing the gospel. There was a nice testimony of a girl that saw the YWAMers picking up papers and also saw one of her former friends whose life has been completely changed. It touched her so much that she decided to also turn back to Jesus and give her life to Him. (Rozelle is also dancing together with the current DTS: back left-hand corner)


This terms Troubadour Discipleship training school students. They are on their way to England for their outreach. Part of their outreach will be at the Olympic Games where they will be reaching out to the nations attending the Games.

 Creative Arts Seminar students busy with their practical after their three weeks course here on the YWAM base. Rozelle also attended the seminar.

YWAM leaders from Southern Africa attending our regional leadership conference that is held every second year.